
  • There's More To Choosing A Bathtub Than You Know!

    Shopping for a bathtub sounds like a pretty simple task, right? It's a big basin that sits on a floor and holds water for you to bathe in. However, there's a bit more to choosing a bathtub than you might think. Here's a look at some of the different features and options you'll come across during the process, along with some advice for choosing the best options for you. Material Choices
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  • 3 Fun Ways To Personalize A Sports Jersey

    Not all sports jerseys are for professional sports teams. You can have a custom sports jersey made for your bowling league team, for your local softball team, or for the walkathon that you plan on participating in. When it comes to creating sports jerseys for recreational leagues, make sure you have some fun with the jersey. Commission a Custom Logo Make your jersey more personal by adding a custom logo to your jersey.
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  • Three Things To Know About Certificates Of Authenticity

    When you take certain types of items to sell at your local pawn shop, having a certificate of authenticity (COA) can be an asset. COAs aren't necessary or appropriate for every item, but if you have something that has been autographed by a noteworthy person, or have an item of historical significance, a certificate of authenticity that verifies the item will help you not only to sell it, but also to get more money for it.
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  • 4 Tips To Help Collect, Sort, And Sell Precious Metals Like Gold And Silver For Cash

    Precious metals like gold and silver come in many different forms that you can sell for cash. The simplest way to get cash is with gold jewelry, but precious metals can also be found in other materials. The following tips will help you with collecting, sorting, and selling precious metals to put a little extra cash in your pocket: 1. Collecting and Sorting Gold Jewelry According to Its Purity Before Selling It
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  • Are You Making Changes in Your Master Bedroom? Follow These Tips

    Have you decided to take advantage of after-Christmas sales in order to make some changes in your master bedroom? Perhaps you love the furniture that is already present in your bedroom, but you know it's time to change the bedding and to give the room a new look. With that in mind, read on for some helpful hints. Start With Custom Thickness Pillows: Be honest with yourself. Are you still using the same bed pillows you bought for a cheap price when you were on a tight budget?
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  • Three Types Of T-Shirts To Wear To A Michigan Football Tailgating Party

    Whether you're visiting the state of Michigan or have recently moved there, one of the rites of passage that you may enjoy is attending a football tailgating party. Michigan is home to a number of Division I football programs, including the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Eastern Michigan University, and more. On Saturdays in the fall, fans gather outside their teams' respective stadiums several hours in advance of kickoff to celebrate the game and their team by eating, drinking, and playing tailgating games.
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  • Three Helpful Tips To Manage Fashion Box Subscriptions

    Fashion subscription boxes, such as from L.V. Kiki, bring the latest styles and trends to your doorstep, but knowing how to manage these subscriptions can prevent you from getting more than you bargained for. Here are a few helpful tips you can use to manage your subscriptions. Know The Billing Date Many subscriptions come with the option to skip a month, but you'll need to remember to skip by a certain date to avoid being charged when you aren't in the mood to buy.
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  • Sapphire Bracelet Gift Ideas

    If a special female in your life has a September birthday, treat her to jewelry featuring sapphire, her birthstone. Not only will the brilliant blue gemstone look beautiful when set into a a piece of jewelry, but it will give the gift a personalized touch as well. When choosing the perfect jewelry item, consider a sapphire stone adjustable bracelet, which will fit a wide range of wrist sizes. An adjustable bracelet is an especially good idea if you don't know what size your friend or loved one wears, or if it's for a child.
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  • Four Tips For Choosing The Right Printer

    Buying a colored printer for home use should be pretty simple, right? That's what most people assume when they walk into a store, but they soon find out otherwise. There are many different styles and types of printers on the market today, and finding the perfect one to meet your needs is not always easy. Here are four tips to help you choose a printer that truly meets your needs.
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  • Suggestions For Opening A Restaurant

    Being a good cook is the type of skill that can lead to big opportunities to make money. If you have received a substantial amount of compliments about the way your recipes taste, it is possible that people will pay for your meals. Opening a restaurant is something that is worth considering if you have a big passion for cooking good food. However, it isn't a good idea to venture into the restaurant industry without a good plan to follow.
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